Adding assets to asset register

Adding assets to asset register

Quick Access : Admin & Asset > Create New Asset
Accessible to: IT / Office Manager

New assets can only be added in the system by Office / IT Manager by manually adding them one by one as shown below or by adding them in bulk.

Adding Returnable category asset

If you are not sure of your entries please click on "Save as Draft", with this your request will get saved but not submitted and once you are confirmed that your entries are valid click on "Submit".

Adding Non-Returnable category asset

Non returnable assets are issued to employees against a request but are not to be returned back. This option is used for stationary, visiting cards and other consumables like blank CDs. In the asset register there is a single record for each category and quantity is added by adding purchase details. Issue is done through the asset allocation process.

Uploading Assets in bulk through Excel

New assets can be added in the system by Office / IT Manager in bulk also.

Steps to be followed -
1. Click on 'Download Template' button to download the excel format
2. Fill the require data like - Asset code (If select as manual in setup), Asset category, Description, Cost, Department/Division/Location/company (If asset are tagged with one of these parameter), Currency
3. Click on 'Upload Excel' button and select the asset upload file

- You can download approved or rejected data using 'Download Approved Data' and 'Download Rejected Data' button
- You can click 'Submit' button to submit data or first correct the excel and then upload corrected data
- You can also update asset custom field in bulk using "Update Custom Fields" option

Note - The bulk excel upload method cannot be used to upload non-returnable asset categories.

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