If you want to use Cab booking or Gate pass processes please get in touch with your Account Manager. Office Manager and IT Manager roles manage Admin and Asset processes.
Categories of Assets
All assets are mapped to a unique asset category. The asset categories can be
created and managed by the Application Administrator. Each asset category can
be mapped to either IT or Office Manager.
Types of Assets
are two types of assets
- Returnable assets : these are allocated to employees and need to be returned
- Non-returnable assets : visiting cards, stationary or any other asset which
is a consumable and does not need to be returned
Asset Status
An Asset
can have different status. To see this you can go to the Register Page within
Asset menu.
Draft : Asset has been created by Office Manager but not submitted
Available : Asset is in stock and can be allocated to an employee
Allocation Marked : Asset has been allocated to an employee but the employee
has not accepted the asset in the system
Allocated : Asset in the ownership of an employee
Unavailable : Asset is not available for allocation it is with the Administration
Disposed : Asset has been disposed off and is no longer available for use
Gate Pass-In : Asset has an approved Gate Pass but it is in Office premises
Gate Pass-Out : Asset has an approved Gate Pass and is out of Office premises
Linked articles
Admin and Asset setup
Asset register
Adding assets to asset register
Asset request submission and approval
Asset allocation and acceptance by employee
Recovery of assets
Returning of assets to IT / Office manager
Submitting cab request
Approving cab request