Advanced Helpdesk overview

Advanced Helpdesk overview

Advanced Helpdesk provides the following features -

1. Employees can raise tickets which will be routed to the appropriate group as per the assignment rules
2. Tickets can be categorized, prioritized based on multiple fields which can be designed in setup
3. Different groups for resolving different types of tickets can be formed. Each group has a group leader who can assign tickets within the group or reassign to another group
4. SLAs and escalation matrix can be defined. SLAs are measured and tracked based on the working hours, holidays and many other parameters
5. Employees can interact with the Support team on the ticket
6. Tickets can be assigned, picked, reassigned, paused
7. On closure an approval of closure can be taken
8. Feedback / CSAT can be taken from the employee after the ticket is closed
9. Performance of support teams can be monitored through dashboard and reports

Additional fields can be added on the ticket form by adding custom fields. Refer article on Creating custom fields for more details.



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