Asset allocation by IT / Office manager

Asset allocation by IT / Office manager

Menu Path : Admin & Asset > Allocate
Accessible to : IT Manager / Office Manager 

As an IT / Office Manager you will see an additional tab "Allocate" from where you can allocate assets against requests which have been approved.

- Search the available assets by typing in the Available Asset box a list of assets which meet the criteria will come in the list below. Select the asset which is to be allocated
- Click on "Approve" action button, this will mark this asset as allocated against this request and send an alert to the employee
- Click on "Reject" action button if you do not want to lets the user reject the asset allocation request, you will have to provide a reason for rejecting the request

Note -
1. If you have chosen to allocate assets only within the department that owns the asset then the Available Assets drop down will show only assets available within the department
2. If employee's separation has been approved then asset cannot be allocated

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