Menu Path : Recruitment > Offers
Accessible to : Recruitment Manager and Recruiters
After the offer has been approved by the approvers and you want to generate offer letter for multiple interviewed candidates then this option should be used.
Steps to be followed are -
1. Click on "Bulk Generate Letters" button as shown below-
2. Select the Job ID and Job Title. Candidates interviewed for the selected Job ID will be shown. You can either select all the candidates or select the ones for whom you want to generate the offer letter.
2.1. If you want to generate a letter without salary, then unselect the salary structure and the salary template row will become grey for selected candidate
2.2. If you want to generate offer letter with salary, then click on salary structure and you will be able to select the salary template from drop down. System will create the salary structure based on the template, if you want to make changes to the salary structure, then Click on "Download Salary Details" button and in the downloaded excel make the changes. Please take care of the following points -
a) Do not delete any column
b) Do not change the name of the excel file, name of the tab or any column heading
c) Click on "Upload" button, system will check the uploaded data for syntax and logical correctness and will give you a message once all the data has been checked.
d) To see errors click on "Download Rejected Data". To see approved records click on "Download Approved Data". Click on "Submit" to submit the data which is complete and ready for upload.
3. Once the salary template and offer letter template are selected and click on "Generate". Now, you can download and review the offer letter which is generated and if you want or change something click on "Reset".