Bulk schedule interviews

Bulk schedule interviews

Quick access menu : Recruitment > Schedule Interviews
Accessible to : Recruiters, Recruitment Manager

To schedule multiple interviews in bulk follow the steps outlined below -

1. Click on "Schedule Interviews" button on Quick Access menu or on Recruitment dashboard.

2. In the popup select the job opening for which you want to schedule the interviews

3. You will be able to see screening / reviews / interviews which are in process in the first table. If you want to cancel these you can click on "Cancel" button. On click of "Edit" you will be navigated to candidate assessment page.

4. Select the name of candidate from the drop-down in the first column and then proceed to fill up other details.

5. If you want to shortlist some new candidate and schedule the review / screening or interview you can enter the candidate name in Search candidates box and click on "Search". All candidates matching the name in Candidate database and also in Received profiles will be shown here. Click on "Shortlist" to shortlist them and then proceed with step 4.

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