Closing or Cancelling job opening

Closing or Cancelling job opening

Menu Path : Recruitment > Openings
Accessible to : Recruitment Manager

Once a job opening has been released it can be cancelled or closed by the Recruitment Manager.

Cancelling a job opening

To cancel a released job opening, click on the "Cancel" button as shown above.

If the job opening has some candidates mapped to it which have been sent by agencies and has scheduled review, screening or interviews a notification will be sent to the agency / evaluators informing them of the cancellation. A notification will also be sent to the Recruiter.

Job opening cannot be cancelled if there are active job offers. You will have to reset the job offers and then try again.

Closing a job opening

Job opening is automatically closed when all the vacancies are filled. This happens when the offers have been updated as accepted and data has been transferred to HRIS. Job opening will also be closed if we edit a job and reduce the number of vacancies to 0 or equal to transferred to HRIS candidate.
Closed job openings are automatically hidden from the dashboard.

Reopening a job opening

A closed job opening is reopened or a closed vacancy reopened in the following scenarios - 

1. If a candidate who had accepted the offer and had been transferred to HRIS by the Recruiter is updated as "Did Not Join" by the HR team then the closed vacancy will be reopened and if the job opening had been closed it would reopened. Alerts will be sent to the Recruitment team.

2. If the candidate has joined but resigns within a period (as defined in setup) then the closed vacancy will be reopened and if the job opening had been closed it would reopened. Alerts will be sent to the Recruitment team.

Note -
1. If a job opening has been closed and then subsequently one of the employees who had been mapped for backfill withdraws his resignation, an alert will be sent to the Recruitment Manager

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