Closing or deletion of leaves

Closing or deletion of leaves

Menu Patch : Setup > EazeHR > Leaves
Accessible to : Application Administrator

There are two options to remove the leaves types which have been created in EazeHR. The leave can be deleted removing all associated transactional records or the leave can be closed. We recommend that you should close a leave type if there is a change in policy and it is not longer in use.

System leaves like LWP, Compensatory Off and Birthday cannot be deleted or closed.

Deleting Leaves
If a leave which has been created is not required or if some mistake has been made while creating a leave, it can be deleted. To delete a leave the steps to be followed are –
  1. From leave setup page use the "Delete" action button to delete any existing leave
  2. System will give a confirmation message
  3. All leave data in the system for this leave will be deleted, no alert will go to any employee or HR
  4. Status for days on which this leave was applied would be updated as Absent if employees was absent else status would be Present if employee had marked his attendance through any method on that day
  5. Leave cannot be deleted if leave encashment process has been released
  6. Leave cannot be deleted if it is linked as a leave in the LTA process

Closing of Leaves
Deletion should be used only if wrong leave has been created. If you want to discontinue a leave due to change in policy you can use the "Close" feature.

  1. In Leave Setup edit the leave and click on "Close Leave" button
  2. Confirm the closure. System will close the leave immediately and no further accrual will happen on account of this leave
  3. Leave balance which is available with the employees can be consumed by them till the period defined by Future and Past entry period in setup
  4. Leave encashment process can be run and employees can encash this leave any time before the end of the year
  5. From 1st of January of next year (or the applicable start date of leave calendar) this leave will not be visible on Leave home page of the employees

Note: On 31st December (or the applicable last date of leave calendar) all the closed leaves which have not been encashed or claimed will lapse irrespective of what is the carry forward setting.

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