Compensatory Off overview

Compensatory Off overview

Compensatory Off is given in lieu of working on weekends or holidays. There are two variants of this process; single step compensatory off and two step compensatory off. One of these variant would be available in your company.

Single Step Compensatory Off

Quick Access : Attendance & Leave > Leave Request
Accessible to : All Employees

• You need to provide details of "Date Worked" and also the date on which you want to take a Compensatory Off in lieu of this extra working day, the request cannot be for more than one day
• "Date Worked" has to be in past but cannot be less than the past entry period as defined in setup
• "Request date" is the date on which the application is being submitted
• "Compensatory Off" will be allowed between (Date Worked + 1) and (Date Worked + Lapse period) 

For example, if you have worked on 29 November which was a weekly off, and if the lapse period in the system = 30 days, this means that you can take the comp off anywhere between 30 November and 29 December. 

Two Step Compensatory Off

Two step compensatory off as the name suggests has two steps in it
- a request for grant of leave has to be submitted, once granted the compensatory off is added to employee's account
- a separate request for consumption of compensatory off is submitted, the leave is deducted from the compensatory off balance available

Step 1: Grant of Compensatory Off
Quick Access : Attendance & Leave > Compensatory Off
Accessible to : All Employees

Before you can take a Compensatory Off you have to request the grant mentioning the day(s) on which you worked.

When the grant request is approved the compensatory off is / are credited to your account and balance is visible on the Leave home page. You will be notified through an alert.

Step 2: Consumption of Compensatory Off
Quick Access : Attendance & Leave > Leave Request
Accessible to : All Employees

Submission of Compensatory Off consumption request is done like any other leave request. You can submit a Compensatory Off consumption request against a grant which has not expired or if any leave has been added to your account by the HR team.

Expiry of accrued Compensatory Off
Expiry of accrued Compensatory Offs is done on the basis of the approval date of the grant request. For example if the time window for lapsing for the Compensatory Off is 15 days, then you need to consume this compensatory off within the 15 days of grant approval date. In other words if you had applied for the grant of Compensatory Off request on Jan 04 for Jan 01 to Jan 02, and approved on Jan 10, for consuming these 2 days you need to create Comp Off consumption request and it should be approved on or before Jan 26 else these Compensatory Offs will lapse. An alert will come before these accrued leaves lapse.

Note : Workflow for consumption of compensatory off is similar to leave approval with initiator / approver and exception approver. Withdrawal is also managed similarly.

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