You can create templates for each performance plan. Templates are combination of criteria with or without weightage which can be grouped according to the company's requirements.
Click on "Manage Template" button of the plan for which you wan to create or edit criteria and templates. In the manage template section which opens up there are three sections -
Some criteria are predefined and visible by default, additional criteria can be created as shown above. For a target based plan Units can also be updated for each criteria.
A default group "Values" is visible if Company value feature is activated in
the plan.
Weightage option is available only if group level weightage is activated in the plan. You can add new groups and assign them weightage. The weightage assigned to a group acts as the upper limit, total of the weightage of criteria which are mapped to this group while creating a template should not exceed the group weightage.
Performance Template
Click on "Add New Template" button to create new performance template.
You can add new criteria and map them to the group and assign them a weightage.
There are two conditions which need to be met
1. total of weightages should be less then and greater then 100. You can see
total of weightage below the grid when you adding group and criteria for Template.
2. the total of weightage in a group should be within the group level weightage
as explained above
You can create and save multiple template aligned to the various job roles in
your company.