Creating custom fields

Creating custom fields

Menu : Setup > HR Setup > Custom Fields
Accessible to : Application Administrator

In EazeWork HRMS custom fields can be added in different modules as listed below. Maximum of 12 custom fields can be added in any of the processes / forms which are available on this page.

1. HRIS module

Custom fields added here will be visible on My Profile page in Additional, Official and Personal sections. These fields can be also be seen in Detailed Employee List report. For a multi company setup these fields need to be defined separately by each company.

 Options available
- Fields added here can be made visible to employees or hidden from them
- If a field is made mandatory then updating it would be compulsory by HR Manager whenever he edits the My Profile page
- Fields can be of any of the following data types : Date, Dropdown, Number, Text
- If the field is deactivated then it would not be visible to anyone anymore
- You can delete a field which has been updated. Deletion will delete all the data which has been filled up against the field

If you set data type as drop down type then you will have to define drop down value as shown in image below

- The dropdown option can also be deleted, deletion will remove the value from all places where it had been updated 

2. Asset module

You can create custom fields and use them to capture information against the asset. These fields can be also be seen in Owned by Company report Detailed option. 

3. Attendance & Leave module

You can create custom fields in this section which will be available while submitting a Tour request. These fields can be also be seen in Tour report.

4. Training module

You can create custom fields in this section and use them on the training master form.

5. Expense module

From this tab you can create custom fields which can be used in two different places
1. Expense form header - you can create custom fields if you want some additional information to be captured at the form header level
2. Expense head - if you want to use additional fields while filling up the expense you can create custom fields and map them to expense heads

After the custom heads have been created they need to be mapped to the appropriate heads. 

6. Recruitment module

If you want to use additional fields while creating offer letter you can create the custom fields on this tab.

7. Advanced Helpdesk module

If you want to add custom fields on the ticket form you can do so by adding fields here.

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