Creating salary for new joiners

Creating salary for new joiners

Menu Path: Payroll > Emp Details>Salary Structure

This is the most important section and the salary structure of the employee has to be maintained and updated here.

Salary structure can be created here. There are two options available

  1. From Template : select the template which is to be used as a reference
  2. Like Employee : select the name of the employee whose structure has to be duplicated

There are two sections to the salary structure

  1. Earnings – here all the heads which fall under Month and Annual Taxable / Tax Free categories are to be selected here
  2. Deductions –  Here you can select any custom head for deduction which is not statutory in nature

You can edit or delete heads and also recreate structure until payroll has not been run for the employee, once payroll has been run then salary increment process has to be followed to make modifications in salary.

You cannot make changes to Special Pay, this is the balancing head and is auto calculated.

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