Menu : Setup > Payroll Setup > Company Setup > Formats tab
Accessible to : Application Administrator
Through this tab you can customize the following formats
1. Salary register
2. Payment advices - there are three types of payment advices which can be customized
a) Salary payment advice
b) Payroll reimbursement advice
c) Full and Final advice
1. Salary register customization
There are two tabs which allow you to customize salary register in two ways
1. You can add columns to the register by selecting the group and then selecting the record. You can change the location of the column using the up / down arrow keys
2. You can configure how the heads are to be shown in the salary register
a) Monthly Taxfree Benefits - you can either show these heads in a separate tab in the salary register (Benefits tab) or they can be shown as a part of Monthly Tax Free Benefits group in the salary register. Please note that Monthly Tax Free Benefit heads which have verification enabled will always come in the salary register
b) CTC Heads - heads in this category can be shown in multiple groups in the salary register, the options available are
i. Employer Contributions
ii. CTC Heads
iii. Deductions
If you want to add these heads to the gross salary then you should add them to Employer Contributions and Deductions groups
Note - The salary payment advice will show the net salary figure which is modelled in salary register.
Payment formats can be generated in Excel, CSV or PDF formats. From this
page you can manage the configuration of these payment formats. What method of
payment is used at an employee level is mapped by HR / Payroll Managers within
employee records.
Enable payment advice generation for Full and Final - Select
Yes if you want to use the option of making payment of Full and Final amounts
for employees through a payment advice
Format of advice for Salary Transfer / Payroll Claims Reimbursement Payouts / Full and Final Payments - for each of these options the output format can be selected on the row.
If output format of Excel or CSV is selected then the option to "Customize" is
- you can select the rows by selecting the appropriate group in the lower part
of the screen and then clicking on "+" sign.
- you can order the columns by using the up/down arrows
- if you want to add narration to your bank advice select the group "Other Details"
and add "Narration" field to the advice