EazeWork APIs

Data from EazeHR can be extracted using API keys. The following data-sets are available.

1. EmpHRData : provides all the data which is present on My Profile page
2. EmpLeaves : provides details of leaves taken in a given period
3. HolidayList : provides details of holidays and shift pattern in a calendar
4. HRExpSummary : provides details of expenses claims for a particular date
5. EmpPrlData : provides all payroll master data except salary related data
6. EmpSalaryDetails : provides salary breakup
7. EmpSalarySlip : provides the salary slip details
8. EmpLoanDetails : provides details of loans / salary advances taken by employees
9. ResignedEmployees : provides details of resigned employees within a date range
API keys can be managed by the Application Administrator from setup. Refer article for more details. There is a limit of 50 data-set calls per day.

Refer to the attached document for details of the fields available in each data-set.

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