Flexible benefits declaration

Flexible benefits declaration

Quick Access : Payroll > Payroll Declarations > Flexible Benefits tab
Accessible to : Employees

If your company policy allows then you can update the flexible components of your salary structure with in the norms. This can be done only when the process for doing so is released. You will get an notification from EazeHR on release of the process.

Steps to be followed -
1. Open Payroll > Payroll Declarations > - Flexible Benefits tab
On this tab you can see salary heads which incorporate as flexible benefit head in your salary structure. And visible to you only when payroll manager release declaration window for you.
2. You can decide amount you want to keep in each head, a minimum and maximum limit is defined for each head by the company, you can not cross this limit. In case of payroll reimbursements the minimum limit will also include the amount claimed and paid through payroll reimbursement process.

Status used in the process are -
• Pending : Flexible benefit declaration window open but has not been submitted
• Submitted : Flexible benefit declaration amount updated by employee and pending with payroll manager for approval
• Approved : Flexible benefit request has been approved by payroll manager
• In Use : Payroll has been processed using these flexible declarations
• Cancelled : Flexible declaration submitted by you has been cancelled by the Payroll Manager

The components of salary which can be changed also include "Salary Reimbursement" heads, however if any such head is changed through a flexi declaration then a new claim can only be submitted after the payroll has been processed and this change has been updated.

3. Please note the following points -
• Effective month can be selected as any month from the beginning of the current financial year upto the current month
• Special pay is not part of Flexible benefit plan but it is shown to show impact of reduction or increase of flexible benefit heads, the remaining amount is paid in Special pay. Special pay cannot be less then 0 if you increasing amount in flexible benefit head
• You can add new heads in your declaration from the list of heads enabled by your Payroll Manager in your salary template. As shown above "Attire Reimbursement" is being added
• Impact of payroll reimbursement heads can be seen immediate on Payroll > Home > Payroll Claims page when your submission of flexible  benefits is approved by payroll manager

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