Generating payment advices, Stopping payments

Generating payment advices, Stopping payments

Menu Path : Payroll > Payroll Files > Process Payment tab
Accessible to : Payroll Manager

From this tab you can do primarily two activities -
1. Generate bank transfer / salary payment advices
2. Stop payment for some employees

A. Bulk processing of payment advices - You can bypass the detailed process and through two clicks generate the advices and clear the pending records

Steps to be followed -
1. If you do not want to stop payment for any employee and want to generated the salary payment advices for all then
- select the record or records for multiple months by clicking on the checkbox given in the first column
- click on "Update as Paid" button above the table, you will see a confirmation message on a popup as shown below

- when you click on "Yes" the advices would be generated and the row would be hidden from the table, if you want to download the payment advices you can go to Reports > Payroll > Generated Advices  and select Salary as the type of advice.

This process will not be available for months in which an advice has already generated or if some employees have been put on salary hold.

B. Stopping payment for some employees - Steps to be followed are
- click on the "Process Payment" button on the last column, a new section will open up below the table showing the details of employees as shown below

From this table you can select the employees for which you want to stop payment. Either click "Stop Payment" button on individual record or you can filter on Office location, Work location or Department and select multiple records and click on "Stop Payment" on the top of the table.

The records will move to the second table as shown above. You can always move them back to the first table by clicking on "Process Payment".

Once your list is final you can click on "Next", you will get a confirmation popup as shown below.

Click on "Yes" to generate the advices. Different advices will be generated based on the payment method and bank of the employees. Advice will be generated in pdf or in excel format as per the setting done in setup.

Click on "Confirm as Paid" to update the payment status of advice as paid. Once you update the status of the advice the employee's covered in the advice will be updated as "Paid" in the summary table but if you have generated the advices but do not update the status as paid then the status of employee's payment would remain as "Pending".

Note :
- If you had run partial payroll for the month and you run another round of payroll then these employees will be added in "Pending" status
- If an employee has zero or negative salary then his record will not appear on this tab at all. Payment for Full and Final cases is managed from full and final section
- If you want to ensure that salary slip should not be sent to employees put some employees on stop payment when you use Generate option the salary slip for them is generated but when you publish or email the generated salary slip the system checks for the stop payment status and salary slips are not published or emailed for such employees

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