Labor Welfare Fund Deductions

Labor Welfare Fund Deductions

The labor welfare fund is imposed at the state level. However, all states have not implemented LWF. States which impose this deduction are – Andhra Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, New Delhi, Punjab, UT of Chandigarh and Tamil Nadu. Labor welfare fund is deducted either on a monthly, six monthly or annual basis.

1. Andhra Pradesh

ActAndhra Pradesh Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1987
Employer ApplicabilityThe Provisions of the Act shall be restricted to any Employer/Establishment employing one or more persons/employee
Employee ApplicabilityAll Employees except those working in the managerial or supervisory capacity
CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above307031-Dec31-Jan

2. Chandigarh (UT)

ActThe Punjab Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1965
Employer ApplicabilityThe Provisions of the Act shall be restricted to any Employer/Establishment employing one or more persons/employee
Employee ApplicabilityEmployee drawing salary upto Rupees Fifteen Thousand per month
CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above
520Last date of month

15 October
15 April

3. Chattisgarh

ActThe Chhattisgarh Shram Kalyan Nidhi Adhiniyam, 1982
Employer ApplicabilityThe Provisions of the Act shall be restricted to any Employer/Establishment employing one or more persons/employee
Employee Applicability

All employees except those working in managerial or administrative capacity or employed in a supervisory capacity drawing wages exceeding ten thousand per month

FrequencyHalf Yearly
CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above154530 June

15 July

Refer above154531 Dec

15 January

4. Delhi

ActThe Bombay Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953
Employer Applicability Any Employer/Establishment employing five or more employees/persons
Employee Applicability

All employees except those working in managerial or administrative capacity or employed in a supervisory capacity drawing wages exceeding two and half thousand per month

FrequencyHalf Yearly
CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above0.752.2530 June

15 July

Refer above0.752.2531 Dec

15 January

5. Goa

ActThe Goa, Daman and Diu Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1986
Employer Applicability Any Employer/Establishment employing one or more employees/persons
Employee Applicability

All employees except those working in managerial or administrative capacity or employed in a supervisory capacity drawing wages exceeding one thousand and six hundred per month

FrequencyHalf Yearly
CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above6018030 June

31 July

Refer above6018031 Dec

31 January

6. Gujarat

ActThe Gujarat Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1986
Employer Applicability Any Employer/Establishment employing ten or more employees/persons
Employee Applicability

All employees except those working in managerial or administrative capacity or employed in a supervisory capacity drawing wages exceeding three thousand and five hundred per month

FrequencyHalf Yearly
CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above61230 June

15 July

Refer above61231 Dec

15 January

7. Haryana

ActThe Punjab Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1965
Employer Applicability Any Employer/Establishment employing ten or more employees/persons
Employee Applicability

All employees employed, directly by or through any agency (including a contractor) with or without the knowledge of the principal employer, for remuneration in any factory or establishment to do any work connected with its affairs. Each employee shall contribute to the Fund every month an amount equal to zero point two percent of his salary or wages or any remuneration subject to a limit of rupees twenty-five and each employer in respect of each such employee shall contribute to the Fund every month, twice the amount contributed by such employee.

CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above2550Last date of month

Last date of month

Note in some cases the government is allowing quarterly, six monthly deductions and filings also.

Haryana Labor Welfare Fund deduction also has an additional condition that the deduction from Employee should be Rs 25 or 0.2% of wages whichever is lower and similarly the contribution by Employer should be Rs 50 or 0.2% of wages whichever is lower.

8. Karnataka

ActThe Karnataka Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1965
Employer Applicability Any Employer/Establishment employing fifty or more employees/persons
Employee Applicability

All employees who are employed for wages to do any work skilled or unskilled, manual or clerical, in an establishment

CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above204031 December

15 January

9. Kerala
Kerala has two welfare schemes
1. Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishment Worker Welfare Fund
2. Kerala Labor Welfare Fund
Details for both the schemes are given below.

ActThe Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Worker Welfare Fund Act
Employer Applicability Any Employer/Establishment employing one or more employees/persons
Employee Applicability

All employees under the purview of the Kerala Shops and Commercial Establishments Act 1960

CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above2020Last date of month
5th of next month

9b. Kerala

ActThe Kerala Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1975
Employer ApplicabilityIt is applicable to all factories covered under the Factories Act 1948, Plantations covered under the Plantation Labour Act 1951, and establishments as defined in section 2(f)(v) of the Kerala Labour Welfare Fund Act 1975
Employee Applicability

All employees of companies covered under this Act.

FrequencyHalf Yearly
CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above454530-June
15th July
Refer above
31-December15th January

10. Madhya Pradesh

ActThe Madhya Pradesh Shram Kalyan Nidhi Adhiniyam, 1982
Employer ApplicabilityAny Employer/Establishment employing one or more employees/persons
Employee Applicability

All employees except those working in the managerial or supervisory capacity and drawing wages exceeding Rupees Ten Thousand only per month

FrequencyHalf Yearly
CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above103030-June
15th July
Refer above
31-December15th January

11. Maharashtra

ActThe Maharashtra Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1953
Employer ApplicabilityThe Provisions of the Act shall be restricted to any Employer/Establishment employing five or more persons/employee
Employee Applicability

Group 1. All employees except those working in the managerial or supervisory capacity and drawing wages upto Rupees Three Thousand only per month

Group 2. All employees except those working in the managerial or supervisory capacity and drawing wages exceeding Rupees Three Thousand only per month

FrequencyHalf Yearly
CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Group 1
15th July
Group 1
31-December15th January
Group 2
15th July
Group 2
31-December15th January

12. Odisha

ActThe Odisha Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1966
Employer ApplicabilityThe Provisions of the Act shall be restricted to any Employer/Establishment employing twenty or more persons/employee
Employee Applicability

All employees except those working in the managerial or supervisory capacity and who is employed as an apprentice or on part-time basis

FrequencyHalf Yearly
CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above102030-June
15th July
Refer above10
31-December15th January

13. Punjab

ActThe Punjab Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1965
Employer ApplicabilityThe Provisions of the Act shall be restricted to any Employer/Establishment employing one or more persons/employee
Employee ApplicabilityAny person who is employed for hire or reward to do any work, skilled or unskilled, manual or clerical, in an establishment
CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above
520Last date of month

15 October
15 April

14. Tamil Nadu

ActThe Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1972
Employer ApplicabilityAny Employer/Establishment employing five or more persons/employee
Employee ApplicabilityAll employees except those working in managerial or supervisory capacity and drawing wages exceeding rupees Fifteen thousand per month or who is employed as an apprentice or on part-time basis
CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above
102031 December

31 January

15. Telangana

ActTelangana Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1987
Employer ApplicabilityAny Employer/Establishment employing twenty or more persons/employees
Employee ApplicabilityAll Employees except those working in the managerial or supervisory capacity and drawing wages exceeding rupees one thousand six hundred per month
CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above
2531 December

31 January

16. West Bengal

ActThe West Bengal Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1974
Employer ApplicabilityAny Employer/Establishment employing ten or more persons/employees
Employee ApplicabilityAll Employees except those working in the managerial or supervisory capacity and drawing wages exceeding rupees one thousand six hundred per month
FrequencyHalf Yearly
CategoryEmployee ContEmployer ContDeduction DateFiling Deadline
Refer above
31530 June

31 July

Refer above
31 December

31 January

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