Leave History - Leave Withdrawal

Leave History - Leave Withdrawal

Menu Path : Attendance & Leave > Leave History
Accessible to: Employees and others as per setup

On this page Employees, Managers, HR Team can do the following activities -
1. Review the status of leave requests
2. Withdraw a request which is in Submitted status
3. Submit a withdrawal request for a leave which has been approved

Leave withdrawal requests can be submitted within the time-period allowed as per company policy. If the leave request is not approved the withdrawal of leave request does not require any approval but if the leave request has been approved than you will have to create a withdrawal request. This withdrawal request will follow an approval process similar to leave request.

Possible Actions
  1. To review leave history select the name from the dropdown on top left and input the From Date and To Date and click on Get Records. Maximum period you can query for is 92 days
  2. To withdraw a Leave request: Click on command “Withdraw” button, status of the request will change to "Withdrawal Requested"
  3. If the leave has multiple approvers then the leave withdrawal request will also go through all the approvals
  4. If an approver has both the roles needed for approval then only one approval will be needed for both the approvals
  5. Once the Withdrawal Request is approved the status of leave request should change to "Leave Withdrawn"

If for a particular day Casual Leave was in submitted status and you mark the attendance for that day and then the manager approves your leave then the system will update the status as "Casual Leave" and will remove the "Present" status.

If for a particular data a half day Casual Leave has been approved and employee comes to office then his attendance status will be "0.5 Casual Leave + 0.5 Present". If the Casual Leave is withdrawn the status will become "Present".

Leave Withdrawal Constraints
Leave withdrawal is not allowed if -
1. Leave has been used in LTA claim
2. Leave request has been already rejected or has already withdrawn or another withdrawal request exists
3. The person submitting the withdrawal request is not the Initiator
4. Leave withdrawal is not allowed for system defined leaves like
- Birthday leave
- Maternity leave if used in payroll
- LWP if it has been deducted in payroll and the feature to lock withdrawal is in use
- in two step comp off if Grant comp off has been consumed against Comp off leave
5. If the window for updating past leaves has closed

Auto Withdrawal of Leaves
If a leave has been approved and employee tries to mark his attendance from the web or mobile based attendance system then system will automatically creates a leave withdrawal request for that day. If attendance method is mapped to Biometric / Smartcard or Auto or Manual upload then automatic leave withdrawal will not happen on marking the attendance.

Example: if approved leave exists from 10-Jan to 14-Jan and employee comes to office on 12-Jan then system will automatically create a new withdrawal request for 12-14 Jan. Leave will remain marked for 10-11 Jan. If the leave withdrawal request is rejected by the manager then the in and out time records will remain same and status will show as on leave.

Withdrawal of Compensatory Off
If two step compensatory off process is in use then a compensatory off which has been accrued to employee's account can be withdrawn. The activity is done from the same place as other leaves but there are some additional checks -If the granted comp off has been consumed then you cannot withdraw it
  1. If the grated comp off has lapsed and a withdrawal request is pending for approval then withdrawal request will get auto rejected with comment "Auto rejected by system as comp off has lapsed"
  2. If the employee has one accrued comp off and a withdrawal request is submitted then net balance after considering the submitted withdrawal request would be 0
  3. If the manager approves a comp off consumption request and a comp off withdrawal request is pending for approval (which would otherwise have been consumed with this request) then the consumption request would consumed from next available grant comp off request

Withdrawal History Tab
On the second tab you will see the details of withdrawal requests.

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