Managing Employee Type change

Managing Employee Type change

Changing employee types from one type to another is allowed for the following scenarios

1. Change from Subcontractor to Regular - You can convert a Subcontractor to a Regular employee with the option of selecting the Employment status as "On probation" or "Working". This can be done by the HR Manager by going to Official Details tab of an employee and clicking on Employee Type hyperlink.

2. Change from Retainer to Regular - You can convert a Retainer to a Regular employee if payroll for the employee has not been run.

3. Change from Trainee to Regular - You can convert  a Trainee to a Regular employee if payroll for the employee has not been run.

Date of Entry / Date of Joining / Group Date of Joining / Date of Confirmation
When an employee is added to the software - irrespective of the employee type - Date of Joining is a mandatory field. For Subcontractor and Retainer the Date of Entry is also captured, Date of Entry is same as Date of Joining initially. When the employee type is changed then the date of change is mapped as the new Date of Joining and the Date of Entry is retained as it is. If there are multiple companies then another field Group Date of Joining is also created.

Shown below are the events which create a change in the dates.

Employee Type = Retainer

Group Date of Joining
Date of EntryDate of JoiningDate of ConfirmationEmployee TypeEmployment StatusEvent
1-Jan-20181-Jan-20181-Jan-2018NARetainerOn ProbationEmployee added to system as Retainer / On Probation
1-Jan-20181-Jan-20181-Jan-20181-Apr-2018RetainerWorkingProbation confirmed
1-May-20181-Jan-20181-May-2018NARegularOn ProbationEmployee changed to Regular / On Probation
1-May-20181-Jan-20181-May-20181-Aug-2018RegularWorkingProbation confirmed
Transferred from Company A to Company B

Employee Type = Subcontractor

Group Date of Joining
Date of EntryDate of JoiningDate of ConfirmationEmployee TypeEmployment StatusEvent
1-Jan-20181-Jan-20181-Jan-2018NASubcontractorWorkingEmployee added to system as Subcontractor
1-May-20181-Jan-20181-May-2018NARegularOn ProbationEmployee changed to Regular / On Probation
Probation confirmed

Employee Type = Trainee

Group Date of Joining
Date of EntryDate of JoiningDate of ConfirmationEmployee TypeEmployment StatusEvent
NA1-Jan-2018NANATraineeWorkingEmployee added to system as Trainee
1-May-20181-Jan-20181-May-2018NARegularOn ProbationEmployee changed to Regular / On Probation
1-May-20181-Jan-20181-May-20181-Aug-2018RegularWorkingProbation confirmed

Conditions in changing Employee Type

For any employee who is currently mapped as a Retainer or Subcontractor you can change the employee type as long as the following conditions are met -

1. For a Retainer payroll should not have been run - If payroll has been run then employee type cannot be changed and you will need to process the separation of the employee and add him again as a Regular employee.

2. For a Retainer the probation should not be in process - if advanced probation process is enabled and probation is in process for the employee then you will need to close the probation record by updating the employee as Working and generating the probation confirmation letter and then you can proceed to change the employee type, you can also update the status as Separation Requested if you do not want to generate Probation Confirmation Letter.

3. For a Trainee the payroll should not have been run - If payroll has been run then employee type cannot be changed and you will need to process the separation of the employee and add him again as a Regular employee.

To change employee type you will need to have HR Manager / HR Executive or Chief of HR role -
1. Go to My Profile > Official Details section of the employee
2. Edit the Official Details section and click on the "Employee Type" link as shown below

3. In the popup update the details as shown below and click on Submit.

Please note that when you update an employee as Regular you will also have to specify the Employment Status and you can select On Probation or Working as per your policy.

When the employee type is updated, this employee will be included in all the policies and formulas where condition is Employee Type = Regular (and Employment Status = On Probation). If the From Date (1-Jan-2020 in the above example) is in past then the accrual of leave for the earlier dates will be also done. Any leaves which have been accrued till date due to earlier batch jobs will not be reduced.

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