Managing leave eligibility criteria

Managing leave eligibility criteria

Menu Path : Setup > HR Setup tab > Leaves
Accessible to : Application Administrator

There are some leaves which are not applicable to all employees. To map a set of employees who are eligible for a leave we use the eligibility criteria. In the software it is modeled as a formula builder which gives allows you to define the conditions and gives a list of employees as output. As an Application Administrator you can create the eligibility criteria for any leave type. Do this carefully because once the leave is submitted and in use then the eligibility criteria cannot be edited.

Eligibility criteria are created using a formula builder as shown below -

Creating a formula
1. You will see a default formula "All" in Eligibility Criteria. Click on "Create Eligibility Criteria" button
2. You will see the Eligibility Criteria – Formula Builder. Select the Field, Operator and Value from drop down to make a expression. For example select Field = “Gender Type”, Operator = “=”, Value = “Female”
3. Click on "Add to Filter" button. This button adds the expression made in Step 2 to the Formula and in this case also removes “All” from the box
4. If you want to add another expression you can click on "Add OR" or "Add AND" and then proceed to create an expression. Follow Step 2 and 3 to add another expression
5. If the expression is complex and you need brackets you can use "Add (" or "Add )" to the formula
6. You can create formula builder on Gender Type, Employee Type, Employment Status, Job Duration, Company, Sr Level, Department, Division, Office Location, Marital Status or Work Nature. The options visible are linked to the history feature and only if history feature is enabled the parameters will be visible here

If you want to clear all the expressions click on "Clear All" button, if you want to remove the last added expression use "Remove Last"

Note : Write down the formula on paper with brackets and logical expression and then use the Formula builder.

Testing a formula
Once you have made the formula you should test it for both syntax and logic. Click on "Test Formula" button. There are three possible outcomes.

1. Test Successful but there are no employees which meet the criteria. This means that the formula you have made is correct but none of the current set of active employees you have meet this criteria.
2. Test Successful and there are employees as per the list. The list of employees who meet the criteria are shown. This tells you if your formula is working as per your expectations or not.
3. Test Failed. This means that the formula you have made is logically and syntactically wrong. You should go and change the formula.

If the formula you have made is working fine you can close the box and proceed to Save or Submit the Leave.
After any change is done in the eligibility criteria or if a new eligibility criterion is created you are advised to run a Test to see if the formula has been built correctly.

Note : Once the formula is made and the leave is submitted you will not be able to modify the eligibility condition.

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