Manually processing a Full and Final record

Manually processing a Full and Final record

Quick Access : Payroll Manager > Full & Final
Access to : Payroll Manager

The steps to process a full and final are outlined below. To understand about the overall process and various stages of the process refer to the document Full and Final processing for more details.

Step 1 - Initiate FnF

In the Pending FnF tab click on "Edit" on the record which you want to process. You will navigated to a new page where you will see the details as shown below

Note - The fields highlighted in green box are available for input if the permission to override system recommendations is enabled for the Payroll Manager.

Fields to be updated are -
  1. Number of days worked in XXX - in this field you can enter the number of days for which the full and final has to be paid
  2. Days to be recovered - this field will be visible only in case of a recovery FnF, here you should enter the number of days for which the payment has to be recovered. For example if an employee's last working day is 20 January but he has already been paid for full month of January in regular payroll then you should enter 11
  3. Reason for Exit - this input is required for PF ECR file. It is mandatory if employee is participating in EPF
  4. Leave without pay deductions - if there are any pending LWP for recovery it would be shown here
  5. Missing attendance - you can download the excel to see days for which attendance is missing and would be converted to LWP. Please note that if Weekends / Holidays are to be counted as per LWP setup in leave module then a LWP will also be created for Weekends / Holidays. Attendance will have to be updated by HR or Manager. Click on "Download Excel" to download the list of days and click on "Send Alert" to send an alert to the Manager and HR Manager
  6. Notice period to be recovered - the recommendation of notice period recovery is based on the separation approval, the days shown here will be automatically recovered after setting off the days updated against leave. You can override this if permission to override has been given
  7. In-process leave encashments - these are leave encashments which have been approved by the HR Manager and need to be paid in FnF
  8. Setting off leaves against notice period - if there is a shortfall in notice period then leaves can be set off if permission to override has been given or if the separation approver has recommended setting off
  9. Leave encashment - enter the number of days of leaves which you want to give as an encashment. If leave is not available for encashment or if you do not see this option please get in touch with your Administrator. The setup for leaves will have to be updated

Click on "Proceed" to go to the next stage. You can also click on "Save as Draft" to save the record and work later.

Step 2 - Provide Inputs

In the second step all the components of Full and Final which need to be paid or recovered can be reviewed and updated. The eligible / due amount depends upon the total number of days of payment / recovery updated in the previous page.

  1. If the FnF is a Recovery FnF then the number of days for which recovery is being done is shown on top
  2. If employee is eligible for gratuity payment you can see his amount eligibility here and you can pay gratuity with FnF or chose to not pay it. Refer to the article on Payment of Gratuity for more details
  3. Asset recovery recommended by IT Manager / Office Manager can be reviewed
  4. If any loan is pending for recovery it will be shown
  5. If there is any negative salary which is due for recovery it will be shown
  6. Tax free leave encashment and Taxfree Gratuity received from previous employer will be shown
  7. Outstanding Advances taken in Advances and Expense module will be shown for recovery
  8. If tax free components are being paid in salary and if verification of supporting feature is enabled then the amount which has to be paid taxfree (for which receipts have been received) or the amount which is to be paid as taxable can be updated
  9. Payment against Variable salary heads can be updated
  10. Adhoc payment/deductions - if there are any adhoc payments or deductions which you want to pay or recover from employee you can update the amount against the relevant heads.
  11. Payroll Reimbursement payment: If any payroll reimbursement head is part of you salary then you can do the settlement from this grid. Here you can see head name, total eligibility, claimed amount and due amount. If you want to pay the amount as taxable amount then enter amount in taxable amount column and  if the employee has provided the receipts you can enter amount in tax free column. System will automatically create an reimbursement claim voucher for the amount which you enter in tax free amount column. Accountant can pay this voucher. The total amount you input can be more than the eligible amount
  12. Non cash benefits like Sodexho meal coupon which have to be paid will be visible
  13. Salary on hold - if any previous month's salary is on hold then it will be visible

Like in Step 1 the option to override will be visible for the inputs which are highlighted in green color box.

Click on "Next".

Step 3 - Review Calculation

Based on the inputs received in step 1 and step the provisional FnF figures are calculated. While calculating full and final the tax liability is calculated based on the salary earned till the last working day. In a normal payroll the tax liability is calculated assuming that the employee will be working till the end of financial year.

If the option to override system recommendations is available with Payroll Manager then the Revised Amount column will be visible and all fields will be open for entry except TDS. This column will also be visible with some fields open for modification if the feature for recovering amounts paid under some heads so far in the financial year is enabled. Refer to the FAQ on How to we recover an amount paid to an employee through payroll for more details.

The option to update the rent and tax saving details for the employee will be available. The verified amounts should be on the basis of the supporting provided by the employee

Click on "Next".

Step 4 - Finalize

In this step the following activities can be done -
  1. you can modify the recommended TDS amount if the option to overwrite the system recommended TDS during FnF is enabled in setup
  2. you can download and share the provisional full and final statement
  3. you can finalize the provision full and final

Click on "Finalize FnF" when you want to finalize the full and final for the employee. Click on "Email Provisional Statement" to email the provisional full and final statement to the employee. The statement will be sent to the employee's email id updated in separation process.

Note - if the full and final approval process is activated then on click of Finalize the record will be sent for approval to the approving authority. When the record is approved it will automatically be finalized.

Step 5 - Update recovery details

If the Full and Final involved recovering some amount from the employee you can update the details of cheque number and amount paid by the employee as a settlement against the Full and Final. This is an optional step and there are not recovery details to be updated you can leave them blank and click on Next.

Status of the record will change to Finalized.

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