Mobile App Upgrade - Version 2.7.4

Mobile App Upgrade - Version 2.7.4

Google Play Store Updation Date - 7 June 2024
Apple App Store Updation Date - 10 June 2024

1. Overall
  1. Security feature to allow you to lock the application when not in use is available. It can be configured from Preferences > Settings tab
  2. The "Other Documents" section on Profile page has been updated to allow download and upload of formats uploaded by the company  
2. Leave
  1. The option to submit the grant request for two step compensatory off leave is now available
  2. Additional validations on single step compensatory off based on changes in policy which links the comp off duration to hours worked are implemented
3. Tour
  1. In a multiple company organization when submitting a Tour request the option to map it to a company is available. This feature helps in booking the subsequent travel expense to the right company
4. Expense
  1. In a multiple company organization when submitting a Expense claim the option to map it to a company is available. This feature helps in booking the subsequent expense to the right company and to have different approval workflow based on the company
  2. When claiming a periodic expense a date field has been added and the expense validity check with respect to date is being done with respect to the date inputted
  3. A new parameter has been added through which you can control if a tour request can be mapped to only one expense request or multiple requests

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