Mobile number updation and verification can be done from Preferences page. A verified mobile number is needed to be able to login to EazeWork account using just your mobile number and password. As of now the process for mobile number verification is available only for Indian mobile numbers.
Steps to be followed to update and verify your mobile number are -
1. Click on "Preferences"
2. On Manage Credentials tab you will see the status of your mobile number.
The status can be
- Null : you will need to update the number
- Invalid : country code might be missing or the number of digits in your number
are not ok, you will need to update the number
- Not Verified : this status is visible only for Indian mobile numbers and you
will need to Verify the phone using an OTP which you will get through SMS
- Active : this status is visible only for Indian numbers, mobile number has
been verified, you can use this number to login to the application
- Updated : this status is applicable to phone numbers of all other countries
3. Click on "Update Number" button, on the popup you can update your country code.
3.1 Indian phone numbers - If you enter 91 as a country code you will be able to proceed with verification. Click on "Next".
Click on "Send OTP" button.
Enter the OTP you would have received on your mobile phone. If the OTP matches
your mobile number will be shown as "Active".