Offer proposal and approval process

Offer proposal and approval process

Menu Path : Recruitment > Offers
Accessible to : Recruitment Manager and Recruiters

Offer Status

Offer for a candidate can have following status -
- Interviewed : Candidate's Interview have and background verification (if included in opening) have been done. Recruiter can create and send the offer for approval
- Pending with XX : offer has been submitted for approval is pending with the role as indicated
- Offer Approved : offer has been approved by all approvers
- Letter Generated : offer letter has been generated
- Letter Emailed : offer letter has been emailed to the candidate from the system
- On Hold : Offer has been rejected by the approver or has been reset after approval, a new offer request can be submitted. This
- Withdrawn : Job opening has been withdrawn
- Cancelled : Job opening has been cancelled
- Transferred to HR : Candidate's record has been transferred to HRIS module and will need to be now updated by the HR team
- Joined : Candidate has joined the company
- Did not Join : Candidate has not joined after accepting the offer, this status has been updated by HR team
- Resigned : Candidate was updated as joined but he resigned within a short time (as defined in setup) and consequently the vacancy has been re-created in Recruitment module

There are three ways by which Recruiter / Recruitment Manager can create offers.

1. Direct offer generation

If you want to process an offer without taking a candidate through the Shortlisting - Interview process you can do so. Steps to be followed -
1. Use the Quick Access > Recruitment > New Offer or Click on "New Offer" button on Recruitment > Offers page


2. In the pop up which opens up select the Job opening details and then select the candidate. You will not be able to select the candidate name without selecting the opening. On completion you will be navigated to the Offer creation page. Using this process you can skip the interview process and directly submit an offer for approval.

2. Submitting offer for approval for interviewed candidates 

Offer can be processed for Candidates who have cleared interview and background verification (if specified in the job opening).

Click on "Edit" button. A new page will open as shown below. Fill up the details of the offer as shown below in Offer Details tab.

For different types of employees you can have different types of Remuneration. These can be setup by the Application Administration on Setup > HR Setup > HRIS Setup > Employee Details tab.

If you want to pay a joining bonus after completion of a certain time period and also link its recovery if the employee leaves before a certain period you can model the Joining Bonus payout and Joining Bonus recovery heads as shown above. These will be automatically added in employee record and will be paid in monthly payroll. If month of joining is Dec-2024 then "Month of Joining+3" means that the joining bonus will be paid in Mar 2025 payroll.

If you are recommending a salary or seniority level different from the recommendation in job opening you will get a warning message.

3. Submitting offers for approval in bulk

If Recruiter / Recruitment Manager wants to generate offer for multiple interviewed candidates then this option should be used. 
Steps to be followed are -
1. Click on "Bulk Process Offers" button as shown below- 

2. Click on "Download Template" button as shown below and in the downloaded template fill up the fields you want to be updated. Please take care of the following points -
a) Do not delete any column
b) Do not change the name of the excel file, name of the tab or any column heading
c) Fill up the data in rows making sure to enter the correct data

3. Click on "Upload" button, system will check the uploaded data for syntax and logical correctness and will give you a message once all the data has been checked.

4. To see errors click on "Download Rejected Data". To see approved records click on "Download Approved Data". Click on "Submit" to submit the data which is complete and ready for upload.
1. The offer approval process can be configured in Recruitment setup and can have multiple levels of approvers.
2. You can customize and add more fields on the first tab by adding custom fields which can be also made compulsory. Steps to be followed are -
a) First create custom fields on Setup > HR Setup > Custom Fields Setup > Recruitment tab
b) Then these custom fields need to be mapped to Offer Details tab from Setup > HR Setup > Recruitment Setup > Candidate Parameters tab > Custom Fields for Offer Letter table. These custom fields can also be added in the Offer Letter. To do so please get in touch with your EazeWork Account Manager.

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