Payment of salary reimbursements

Payment of salary reimbursements

Menu Path: Payroll >Expenses
Accessible to: Accountant

Click on "Expense Advice" button on the top right of the page as shown below.

Vouchers which are pending for payment can be processed on this page, a row on the top of the page will show the number of vouchers and the amount which is pending for payment.

Step to follow:

    1. Click on "Create Advice" button
    2. If any advices have been are generated but not updated as paid then a warning message will be appear as shown below. If you have already made the payment of the previous vouchers then you should click on No and then proceed to update the advices as paid else you can click on Yes and proceed to generate the advices

                 3.You can "Download" the generated payment advices
                 4.If you have multiple companies then advices will be generated company wise and advices will be                        created separately for each payment mode
                 5.When you click on "Confirm as Paid" then an alert will go to employees informing him that his                            payroll reimbursement has been paid

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