Probation setup

Probation setup

Menu Path: Setup > EazeWork HRMS > Probation
Accessible: Application Administration

Probation process setup activities are detailed in this article. If you are not able to see this page then probation process has not been activated, you can get in touch with your Account Manager to get the process activated.

1. Probation Setup

  1. Probation extension limited - if you want to limit the number of times or the period for which probation extension can be requested then enable this parameter, once this parameter is enabled the two child parameters are also visible
Maximum probation extension period : this parameter controls the maximum period for which a probation extension can be requested
Probation extension frequency : the number of time probation extension can be requested is controlled by this parameter
  1. Probation extension / Separation closure rights : through this parameter you can control who will have the rights to extend probation period or process records which have been updated as "Separation Requested"
  2. Send confirmation alert xx weeks in advance - this setting allows to control when the alert for probation confirmation is to be sent to employee and his  manager
  3. Participation by employee – if this option is selected then the probation confirmation process will not move ahead till employee has completed his/her self-assessment. If the parameter is selected as No then the employee will not be a part of the process
  4. Self assessment compulsory - this parameter is available only if the previous one is selected as Yes and if this parameter is selected as Yes then the Approver would not be able to fill up and provide his inputs on the probation form unless the employee submits his self assessment
  5. Generate probation confirmation and extension letters - if this parameter is selected as No then the confirmation / extension letters are not generated during the process
  6. Approval levels – we can setup the process with a maximum of two approvers, if no approvers are defined the HR Manager will be able to directly update the probation confirmations of all employees

All these setup parameters when changed will impact only the probation confirmation requests which have been initiated. This means that only after the employee submits his probation confirmation form the changes in setup data will not impact the form. The data linked to probation extension will be frozen at the form level when the first probation extension request is submitted.

2. Probation Policies
Probation policies for employees can be defined in this tab, based on the policy the probation period is mapped for each employee when his/her data is updated for the first time. Probation period is always defined in months - so if an employee joins on 15/January an probation period is 3 months then probation period will get over on 14/April. Due date for probation confirmation will be shown as 15/April.

Possible Actions
  1. Multiple probation policies can be created. Each new policy has the highest priority by default
  2. Priority of a policy can be changed by moving it up or down using the arrow keys in the first column
  3. Default probation policy – this policy is system defined and it cannot be deleted, it eligibility condition cannot be changed and will always be "All". The policy be edited and the probation period changed
Creating a Probation Policy
To create probation policies follow these steps -
  1. Click on "Create Probation Policy" button
  2. Provide the following
       a. Name of the policy
       b. Probation period in months
       c. Formula – this formula is used to identify which employees will be mapped to this policy. The formula is a logical expression which gives list of employees as output
  3. You can create policies based on the multiple parameters like Employee Type, Employment Status, Department, Division, Company, Gender, Marital Status, Contract Duration, Employment Period, Office Location, Level, Work Nature. But these parameters should have history tracking enabled
  4. After creating the formula it can be tested by clicking on "Test Formula" button
  5. If the formula is working fine then click on Submit to submit and activate this policy

Changes in Probation policy
There are three ways in which probation policy mapped the the employee can change
1. A new policy of higher priority is created
2. Employee level parameter changes and employee is mapped to a new policy
3. Policy priority is changed and employee mapping to policy gets changed
4. Policy is deleted an employee mapping to policy gets changed
In all these cases the new policy will get mapped to the employee as long as the probation has not becoming pending with the final approver. Even if self assessment has been filled by the employee or if there are two levels of probation approvers and the first level approver has given his feedback the mapping will get changed.

While creating a new policy if employees are getting mapped to it then system will ask you to reconfirm the new probation policy by showing the popup as shown below.

Once you submit then changes cannot be made.

3. Probation Template
In this tab you can create the template which is used to take the feedback from employee and assessors during the process.

You can setup evaluation criteria and rating scale and also take open ended feedback from employee / assessors.

Text inputted in the Instructions box is made visible to the employee / assessor on the top of the page.

Assessment through ratings - if you want to use the rating feature you can enable this parameter for employee and / or assessors.

Employee Feedback - here the questions / criteria on which employees are supposed to do a self assessment rating are provided. If mandatory is selected then this question / criteria is mandatory for the employee to answer. For each question / criteria employee will also be able to give comments

If "Remarks by Employee" option is selected then employee will be able to give overall remarks at the end of the form.

Design of this section is similar to the employee section.

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