Status of job openings -
1. Active : You can submit profiles against these openings till the last date
2. Closed : Last date for submission has gone in past, you cannot submit profiles
any more, these openings can be hidden using the "Hide" button
3. On Hold : Opening has been put on hold, you cannot submit profiles any more
The actions you can take on this page are
1. Review the opening details - click on the Job ID or Job Title highlighted
in the blue color, you would be able to see the job details
2. Click on "Submit Profiles" button to navigate to the next page where profiles
can be submitted
3. Click on "View Profiles" button to review the status of submitted profiles
4. Hide job openings for which the last date of submission has gone in past using
the "Hide" button
5. You can recall hidden profiles by selecting the hidden record from the drop-down
and clicking on "Recall Record" button
Submitting Profiles
you click on Submit Profiles against a job openings you will be navigated to
the next page. You will see either of the two options
1. Resume upload : you might see either an option to upload a resume as shown
Click on the "Upload Resume" button to upload the file. The resume once uploaded will be automatically parsed and a candidate profile will be created. If any compulsory fields are missing then you will have to update those records manually and click on Submit. The form will be similar to candidate form shown below.
2. Candidate form submission : you will have to fill up the fields manually
Duplicate records are checked based on some key fields like Email, Mobile, Passport Number, National ID, PAN. If a candidate is found duplicate while submission then the submission is not allowed.
Reviewing Submitted Profile
which are submitted are visible in the following status -
1. Pending for shortlisting
2. Profile under review : Profile has been shortlisted and discussions / interviews
are going on
3. Offered : These candidates have been made an offer
4. Profiles rejected : These are rejected profiles which can have both rejections
by the company or candidate might have rejected the offer. You can view the comments
for rejected profiles