Report - Download Documents

Report - Download Documents

Menu : Reports > HRIS > Download Documents

This is an important report, it allows to download documents uploaded by employees or generated during the process. You can download the document for all active and resigned employee. You can use this report to download all documents for one employee or to download one document for all employees.

Employee wise download -

Steps to be followed-

  • Select Generate - "By Employee" option
  • Select the employee name from drop down, you cannot select "All" here
  • Select "All" or the specific document you want to download from drop down
  • Click on "Download" to download documents in a zipped file

Document wise download -

Steps to be followed-
1. Select Generate - "By Document" option
2. Select the document from drop down
3. Select "By Employee" or "By Date Range" from drop down
  - If you select "By Employee" then you can select "All" or any employee name
  - If you select "By Date Range" then you can select date range, maximum range allowed is a quarter. Documents generated or uploaded in this period will be shown.

Documents which can be downloaded from this report are listed by the category of document -
1. System generated documents
- Appointment Letter
- Department Transfer Letter
- Division Transfer Letter
- Designation Change Letter
- Exit Interview Form
- Manager Transfer Letter
- Functional Manager Transfer Letter
- Offer Letter
- Office / Work Location Transfer Letter
- Probation Extension / Probation Confirmation Letters
- Probation Feedback Form
- Promotion Letter
- Relieving Letters (For all types of separations)
- Warning Letter

2. Education Supporting Documents : uploaded from My Profile > Education & Work Experience tab > Education table

3. Reference Documents / Other Documents : uploaded from My Profile > Education & Work Experience tab > Reference Document or Other Document sections

4. Custom Letters : all letters which are designed in setup and generated by HR Manager for example Employment Certificate

5. Employee Photos

Some of these documents might not be visible as the process to generate them might not have been setup in your company.

Sample reports are available in article attachments.

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