Summary report which shows the status of employee attendance and leaves over a time period. Percentage absenteeism is calculated. Report can be generated "By Employee" or "By Month".
By Employee View -
This report can be generated for all the employees together but can be generated
for maximum period of one month at a time. The From Date / To Date is linked to the employee's attendance of that particular period.
By Month View -
This report can be generated only for one
month and it shows aggregate data for all employees together.
Details of columns are -
1. Present - Days present, this includes the days on Work From Home or Tour status,
if a day has partial present and partial leave then the fraction of present will
be counted
2. Weekly Off - Number of weekly offs
3. Holidays - Number of holidays
4. Comp Off - Count of approved Compensatory Off leaves
5. LWP - Count of approved LWP leaves (in a similar manner for each leave type
there will be a column)
6. Absent - Days for which no inputs have been received, attendance is pending,
if a request is in process then it counted in point 8
7. Missing Out-Time - Attendance records which are pending due to missing Out-Time
8. Pending Approvals - Pending approvals for leave, work from home, tour, back
dated attendance requests
9. Absenteeism - Formula of percentage absenteeism is- {(All leaves) / (Total
Days – (Pending Days)}*100 and Pending Days = Pending Attendance + Missing Out
Time + Pending Leave Request
10. Total Days - total number of days in the period
Sample reports are available in article attachments.