Responding to surveys

Responding to surveys

Menu Path : HRIS > My Profile > Survey tab
Quick Access > Others > Respond to Survey

Accessible to : All Employees

Employees can respond to the survey which have been released by the HR Manager by clicking on the "Respond" button on Survey tab on My Profile section.

  1. You can click on 'Respond' button to give your responses against a pending survey
  2. You can respond to a survey until survey end date had not gone in past, once it goes in past the status will change to "Deadline Past"
  3. Status will show "Responded" after giving your responses on a survey. You can view your responded survey using "View" button
  4. Click on "Hide" to hide "Closed" or "Responded" surveys
  5. You can recall again any hidden survey from View Hidden Records drop down, select the survey type - date from the drop-down

Responding to a Survey

Fill up the responses as shown below on the survey response page. You might be required to give comments and some responses might be compulsory. Compulsory fields are highlighted with a *.

Some surveys are confidential, for such surveys employee level details are not visible to the HR Manager or anyone else. These surveys will have "CONFIDENTIAL SURVEY" written on top of the page.

Another sample survey with multiple choice responses.

You can save the survey as draft to complete it later.

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