This article explains the various activities which an employee is expected to do during the annual performance management cycle. If you are expected to provide inputs to a performance cycle then you will get dashboard / email notification and will also see it as a pending task.
1. Goal Updation
the Goal setting process is released an alert comes to you and the control of
the Performance Sheet is transferred to you. The following steps need to be followed
1. Go to HRIS > My Profile page > Performance tab
2. You can see status of of your performance review setting as Goals – Pending
4. Fill up the specific performance goals for each criteria as discussed with
your manager
5. Click on "Save as Draft" if you want to save the work and work on the sheet
6. Click on to "Submit" to submit the goals. On submission an alert will go and
the control will go to your Assessor. While reviewing the goals Assessor can
modify the goals if needed
Note –
1. If a guide has been uploaded you would be able to download it using the Download
2. If the period allowed by the Performance Manager for goal setting gets over
and you have not submitted the goals but saved them as draft then the goals written
in the sheet are not visible to anyone else. You can submit these goals as and
when the process is released again. In some cases the goals might be updated
by the Assessor or HR Manager on your behalf, in which case your draft would
be deleted
3. You might be allowed to add new criteria or change the weightage against the
criteria if this is allowed as your company's policy. Or if you are not getting
the option of updating goals that also might be due to your company's policy
4. If Key Behavior Assessment as a part of performance review is activated then
you can see the Desired Behavior levels for each of the criteria as shown below.
Based on the company's policy there might be some periodic assessments, this can be quarterly, six-monthly or annual activity. An alert will come when the window is opened for this self assessment and the activity can be completed from the same section from where the goal setting was done.
Steps to be followed -
1. You will get a notification of the Self Assessment to be done with the
time window
2. Go to My Profile > Performance Records grid. Double click on the row to
open the Performance Management sheet
3. You can fill up Self Assessment for each criterion and click on "Submit"
to submit the form for Manager’s feedback. "Save as Draft" can be used to store
changes locally
4. You might also need to fill up a ranking or a score for each criteria if your
company has opted for such an option. Please discuss with your HR regarding the
range of ranking and the scores which should be used
This process is repeated till the Annual assessment stage.
Note - If you are not getting an option to update self assessment while others are, it might be due to a policy of allowing employees only above a certain seniority level to be able to update self assessment.
3. Annual assessment
the end of year you will need to provide a feedback on achievement against each
goal. Besides this there are other activities which you might be expected to
do, for example -
a) Provide your inputs on what are your behavior levels against the the criteria
mapped to you based on your job category. You can record evidence supporting
your claims
b) Answer some confidential questions which will be visible to you in Inputs
and Feedback tab, these answers will not be visible to your Assessor and Reviewer
and will be reviewed by HR team
c) if Key Behavior assessment feature is enabled then you will be required to
provide your self assessment and inputs as shown below
4. Results and Final Rating
the end of the year the results are released by HR, you will get a notification.
You can view final rating and also see the feedback of your Assessor and
Reviewers when the ratings are released by the Performance Manager. Specific
inputs on your development may be visible on the Individual Development
Plan tab if this feature is enabled.