Sending assets for repairs or scrapping assets

Sending assets for repairs or scrapping assets

Menu Path : Admin & Asset > Register
Accessible to : Office / IT Manager

If any asset has to be scrapped the Office / IT Managers can update the status of assets as "Disposed" in asset register page as shown below.

Only assets those are in “Available” status can be disposed off by the Office Manager. To do so you change the status to “Disposed”, you will have to record the reasons for disposal.

Assets can be sent for repair outside the office. This process is available only if Gate Pass feature is activated.

  1. Edit: Clicking on action button "Edit" this will take you to a form where you can update any Asset details including code, acquired date, department, description, cost, remarks, status.
  2. Submit: if you want to make any changes to the Status you will select the New Status and then "Submit"
  3. Status of an "Available" asset can be changed to "Disposed" or "Unavailable"
  4. Status of an "Unavailable" asset can be changed to "Gate Pass", on doing so a Gate Pass request will automatically be generated, reason for gate pass would be "Repairs"

Note : Once an Asset has been disposed off then it cannot be added back to the inventory.

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