Application administrator can setup project assessment from this page.
Step to be followed -
1. Rating : Setup the rating scale which can be used for project assessment.
It can be A,B,C..n or 1,2,3...n
2. Weightage and Scoring : Select "Yes" if you want to that weightage and scoring
required in project assessment
3. Maximum Range : You can define the maximum range upto which the assessment
can be done in the example above it is from 0 to 4
4. Allow Scoring by Employee : if "Yes" then employee can mark their score against
each criteria
5. Project rating by assessor compulsory : if yes then rating will be compulsory
by assessor to employee.
Project Assessment Criteria
In the second tab you can create a list of criteria which are then used in Project
Assessment templates which are created on the last tab.
Project Assessment Template
Click on 'Add New Template' button and mention name of your template. Templates are mapped with employees during the Project Assessment release process. You can make multiple templates as per your requirement.
Once templates are in use in a Project assessment cycle changes cannot be made.