As per the Maternity Benefit Act of India there are multiple types of leaves which can be taken by a female employee who is eligible for these leaves. Refer to the article on Maternity Group Leaves - India for more details on these leaves.
Steps to be followed to take these leaves are explained below
1. Maternity Leave
Provide details
as shown in the form below -
- select the leave type
- declare the number of children you have, this has an impact on the total number
of days of leave for which you are eligible
- click on "Next"
You can save the request by clicking on "Save As Draft" with this your request will get saved but not submitted and once you are sure of your entries you can click on "Submit". On submission the request will go to your Manager (or the designated approver) for approval.
You will need to add the certificate with the leave request as shown in above image.
2. Commissioning Leave
This leave
should be taken when a child is being born through surrogacy.
Inputs needed for submitting this leave include
- Date of birth of child
- Date of adoption
3. Adoption leave
Inputs needed
are similar to Commissioning leave only difference is that instead of "Child
Handover Date" you have to provide "Child Adoption Date".
You can check the status of approval or withdraw a submitted Maternity group leave from Attendance & Leave > Leave History page.
4. Miscarriage / MTP Leave
Both leaves are similar in nature and given in case of a miscarriage or medical
termination of pregnancy. The leave start date for both these leaves should be
the date of miscarriage / date of MTP or the next date. The maximum duration
of this leave is 6 weeks.
5. Illness Leave
A maximum of 31 days of illness leave for issues related to pregnancy, miscarriage,
delivery or premature birth can be taken.
6. Tubectomy Leave
A maximum of 4 weeks of leave for if the employee has gone through a Tubectomy
operation can be availed. This leave has to be taken immediately after the procedure.