Submitting Work from home request

Submitting Work from home request

Quick Access : Attendance & Leave > Work From Home
Accessible: As per setup

If your company provides you the flexibility of working from home for some days in the month then this feature will be available. If you are working from home your attendance status will be updated as WFH and the standard shift timings are used for in and out time.

On request page employee is required to fill all the details like name, From date, To date and remark to complete the request. Based on the configuration selected by Administrator a Work From Home request can be raised by multiple people, various options are -
  1. User creates for himself
  2. Manager creates himself and for his team
  3. HR Manager creates for all the employees assigned to him
  4. CEO creates for all employees

On submission the request will go to your Manager (or the designated approver) for approval.

Applying for Leave while on Work from Home

  1. Even if there are approved or in process Work from Home requests the employee can apply for a leave which is overlapping with these request. System will show leave on the applied days and retain Work from Home status for the remaining
  2. The reverse scenario where there is an approved leave say for 15 December and we want to apply for a Work from Home for 14 to 15-Dec it will not be allowed
  3. If you are on approved half day leave then you can apply half day Work from Home
  4. If you have submitted half day leave but not approve then you can not apply half day Work from Home
  5. If you are on approved half day Work from Home and if Manager / HR mark WFH from mark attendance on behalf of employee tab then existing WFH request will be modified and full day WFH would be created

Applying for Tour while on Work from Home

If on a particular date there is approved tour request system will not allow to submit a work from home request overlapping with this date and vice versa.

Weekends and Holidays during Work from Home

If you submit a request with intervening weekends or holidays then for these days too your status will be updated as Work from Home.

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