Target based PMS

Target based PMS

In some cases the performance review is to be done against a clear target, the target needs to be broken down to the same level to which the review is to be done - monthly, quarterly, six monthly or annual.

Refer to Creating Performance Plans to understand how to create a performance plan with the Target based review feature.

The key differences from the standard PMS process are highlighted below.

1. Goal Setting

During the goal setting process employee needs to fill up the target, quarterly in the example shown below, he can also describe the goals. Assessor can modify the target, the option to change the weightage or criteria is available only if enabled in the setup.

2. Periodic Reviews

In the example shown here there will be four periodic reviews and in each review the employee and assessor will provide their inputs.

Explanation of input fields

Employee fields
1. Self Assessment - for writing down any comment, observation, input
2. Target - this will show the current quarter's target
3. Actual - achievement against the target is to captured here
4. Requested - this field should be used by the employee to input the requested figure which can be different from the actual figure

Based on the Actual figure the Achievement percentage and Score will be calculated. If achievement 100% or more than 100% then the maximum score which is equal to the weightage will be given. If achievement is less than 100% then the score will be proportionately reduced.

Assessor fields
1. Assessor - for writing down any comment, observation, input
2. Score - assessor can directly write the score which he wants to give to the employee

Note - for Company Values there is no target and there is not actual achievement, employee can input the requested figure which is used to calculate the score.

The remaining part of process runs like a regular PMS process. Refer to article on Employee's role or Assessor role for more details.

Modification of Targets

The option to change a target is only with the Performance Manager once goals and initial targets have been approved. To update the targets click on "Update Target" button which is highlighted below.

The targets can be updated on the popup which comes up on the page. Remember to "Submit" the revised targets on the bottom of the form.

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