Trouble Shooting Biometric / Smart-card Integration

Trouble Shooting Biometric / Smart-card Integration

As Application Administrator you would be able to check the status of biometric / smartcard synchronization of EazeWork servers. Refer to the article on Attendance Setup - Biometric Smart-card attendance recording for more details on managing the setup.

The status of synchronization is visible on the "Biometric / Smartcard Data Transfer" widget on dashboard as shown below. If this widget is not visible you can add it using the Add Widget feature.

The data which is shown in this widget is -
  1. Sync Service ID : This is the ID, each sync service has a different ID
  2. Locations : This is the list of office locations from where this sync service is fetching data
  3. Last Service Run Time : the sync service runs every 30-45 minutes, the time shown here is the time at which the service had last run
  4. Last Updated Timestamp : this is an important data point, it tells you the last time stamp which has been updated in EazeWork servers
    Please note that these times are GMT + 05:30 (India Standard Times)
  5. Status - Working / Stopped

Note - If there is a time gap of 60 minutes between two synchronizations the status of service will be updated as stopped and an alert will be sent. This alert will only come once. Application Administrator can list down the Email IDs to which this alert will be sent on Attendance Setup.
In this guide we have tried to outline the various issues and the troubleshooting steps for each.

1. Net is down : The synchronization between the local database and EazeWork server happens over the net, if the net is down it will not happen. To check that net is working follow the steps given below -
1.1. Open the url if EazeWork website is opening then the internet connection between your office and our server is working fine. Please remember to check the internet from the same server where the service is installed.
1.2. If the website does not open please get in touch with your office IT team to get the connectivity issue resolved. It also might be due to your local firewall setting which would then need to be updated to give permission to

2. Local database is not getting timestamp data. If the "Last Service Run Time" is recent but the "Last Updated Timestamp" is not that recent and you know for a fact that employees are coming in and going out of office (it is not an holiday) then most probably the program in your biometric / smartcard machines which is responsible for pushing data to the local database is not working.

Ask the IT Manager to check, if there is no data after the last received timestamp in the local database, then
2.1 Stop the Sync service : this is important step
2.2 Troubleshoot your Biometric / Smart-card systems and ensure that the missing data is updated in the local database, please make sure that all the missing data is updated in the local database
2.3 Restart the Sync service

You should get the data in EazeWork HRMS in 15-20 minutes. If your IT Manager finds data in local database and Sync service is running but data is not getting updated in the software or if you do not see data in EazeWork HRMS after 15-20 minutes, then raise a ticket in Help Center.

3. Windows Synchronization Service might not working
If you see that the "Last Service Run Time" is more than one hour old then you need to check if windows sync service is running or not. Steps to be followed are -
3.1 Open the widows service page. Refer to wiki on How to open Windows Services for details, the steps would depend upon the windows version you have
3.2 If the service has stopped then start it, if it is showing running even then stop and restart it as it might have hung

3.3 Wait for 15 minutes and check the "Last Updated Timestamp" on widget, it should show the updated records. If the records are still not updated then check the daily log file. The log file will be available in c:\EazeSyncLog\<Sync Service ID> folder. A sample log file is attached.  In the log file if you see an entry - "27-11-2020 07:44:34 : Updated in EW 9712410198--> 27-11-2020 05:55:29 in 84: MS" it shows that the record for Access card / Biometric ID number "9712410198" has been updated at 05:55 on 27-11-2020.

Looking at the log file you can find out the last time stamp which has been captured from the local database and updated in EazeWork servers.

If you are not able to resolve the issue please raise a ticket in Help Center.

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