This option is only visible if verification of supporting is enabled and advanced verification is not activated. Get in touch with your Account Manager if you want to use this feature.
Tax Free Head Supporting Verification
Manager can update the verified amount against all tax free heads like Medical,
LTA and also custom tax free heads which are included in the salary structure.
Heads which are configured as Expense reimbursement category in payroll will
not come for verification since their verification is done on the basis of the
supporting documents submitted with the voucher during the expense reimbursement
verification process.
Steps to be followed -
1. You can update verifies amount one by one against each head for each employee
2. To upload in bulk, click on "Download Excel" and complete the data in excel
and upload excel on click on "Upload"
3. If the employee is submitting receipts more than once then you can overwrite
the amount in the verified amount
4. To use the bulk upload feature to update the data in bulk, click on "Download
Excel" button
Note -
- Till the first verification entry is not done system will continue to pay the
the amount to the employee completely tax-free but as soon as a verification
entry is made tax will be calculated based on the total and verified amounts.
To remove a verification use "Cancel Verification" button, updating it as zero
will lead to full taxation
- Without updating an amount in this table you will not be able to run March
payroll and once March payroll is in process you will not be able to change the
values here. Similarly once the separation for an employee is approved his verification
would be done with the full and final process, records will be removed from this
- Amount Received is the amount received so far and Projected Amount is amount
which will be paid in subsequent payroll runs till March. Verification amount
can be inputted more then Amount Received + Projected Amount but the exemption
will be based on minimum of "Verified Amount" and "Amount Received + Projected
Rent Verification
grid is used to verify rent amount. In the last column you should enter the total
rent amount for the period which has been verified by you, do not enter the monthly rent amount.
If any employee has not submitted his receipts against tax-free heads and rent then Payroll manager can send reminder to pending employees by clicking on the "Send Reminder Alert" button. This alert will go to only those employees whose verified amount is less than the declared or structure amount.
Amount which is verified will be taken as tax free from the next payroll run and if the verified amount is less than the total amount (including the projected amount) the remaining amount will be taken as taxable.
When you submit the verified amounts in case you get a message as shown below -
It implies that the verified amount is more than the total amount received, this
can happen if the verification is being done for the full amount while some amount
is still to be paid in the payroll. You need to click on Yes but make sure that
this is rechecked to avoid wrong input of figures.