Updation of probation assessment form by employee

Updation of probation assessment form by employee

You will get an alert some weeks in advance before the end of probation period, you would also see Probation self assessment as a pending task in your Pending tasks window.

You can also navigate to the page from HRIS > My Profile > Probation tab.

Click on "Access Probation Form", you will be navigated to a new page from where you can fill up the probation form.

You can fill up and submit your comments as per the inputs needed in the form. The form shown above is only for illustration purposes and your form might be different based on your company's format. Once you have submitted your form you cannot make any changes.

If your probation period is extended then you will have to provide probation feedback again. You would be able to do that by clicking on "Access Probation Form" like shown below.

Probation confirmation or extension letters can be downloaded from Reports > My Documents once they are available.

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