Using Charts

Using Charts

Menu Path : Dashboard > Charts
Access to : Eligible Roles as per Setup

Charts can be viewed through the Dashboard menu as shown below. Some charts are also available within the modules.

On this page you can see a snapshot of the HR Dashboard.

On the charts page you can
1. Add a new chart using the "Add Chart" button

2. You can modify the chart by using the "Edit" option or download summary and detailed data in excel  format using the icons on the top right of the bar. If you click on Refresh button data and chart colors will be refreshed.

3. Editing a chart - through this feature you can
a) change the date range
b) show or hide legend
c) select grouping dimensions based on which the data which will be shown will change. The grouping dimensions which are available are - Company, Employee Type, Gender, Seniority Level, Department, Division, Office Location, Work Location. If any of these is not in use then it will not be visible

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