VPF declaration

VPF declaration

Quick Access : Payroll > Payroll Declarations > VPF tab
Accessible to : Regular Employees included in Payroll

You can increase your contribution to the PF by declaring a Voluntary PF deduction. This amount will be deducted beyond the 12% statutory deduction, this feature is only available if you are participating in PF.

- to create a new declaration use "Add Declaration" button
- to view an existing declaration use the "View" button

When you add a new declaration you can select if you want the deduction to be done as a fixed amount or as  percentage of your Basic salary. You can also specify the month from which the deduction should start.

Updating a Declaration
To update an existing declaration click on "Update" button and provide the ending month. You will get the Update the option after the declaration has been processed in payroll.

You can declare up-to 100% of your Basic as VPF deduction. You cannot modify the amount of VPF for an existing declaration, you will have to close it and submit a new declaration with the modified amount.

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