Work Area - Manager Transfer

Work Area - Manager Transfer

Menu Path : Work Area > Transfers
Quick Access : Manager's Role > Transfer Request
Accessible to : Initiators as per setup

Managers (or other authorized persons) can request a change of the Manager for employees mapped to them.

Status of existing requests can be reviewed as shown below.

- Submitted request can be withdrawn till it is not approved
- New requests can be created using "Create Transfer Request" button

Requests once approved (all stages) are automatically hidden and can be recalled using "Recall Hidden Requests" button.

Submitting Manager Transfer Request

Provide details as required in the form shown above and click on Submit to submit the request for approval.

Approving Manager Transfer Request

Requests which are pending for approval are visible on Work Area > Approvals page.

Approvers can approver or reject the request. When the request is approved by the final approver the new manager is mapped to the employee from that date. Manager transfer letter can be generated and emailed to the employee during the final approval if the option is activated.

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