Alert Setup

Alert Setup

Menu path : Setup > HR Setup > Alerts
Accessible to : Application Administrator

Alerts are send automatically by the system when an activity is done. Alerts are sent in three ways
- On software dashboard
- Through email to the registered email id
- On the mobile phone if mobile app is installed

From this page alerts the following can be managed -
a) alerts which are not needed to be sent can be deselected, this is needed in case some alerts are becoming too frequent, if an alert is deselected it will not go to anyone
b) if some alerts need to be sent to additional roles / persons it can be managed through the "Alert Customization" tab
c) If alerts are to be deactivated for a specific employee or group of employees it can be done from the "Deactivate Alerts" tab

1. Managing alerts

You can search by alert description or by alert group using the drop down in the first column to see the alerts by module. Some alerts might not be available on Mobile or on Dashboard, in which case the box is greyed out.

When alerts are activated then they will go to all employees who are supposed to receive them as per the workflow. If you want to deactivate an alert for all employees unselect the check box, some alerts are greyed out and cannot be deactivated. You also can deactivate all alerts for specific employee, refer to the third section in this article on details of how to do it.

2. Viewing and customizing alert text

Click on the "View" button to view the text of the Email / Dashboard / Mobile alert. You will also see information like
- List of recipients
- Alert type  : Information or Action
- Sent : is it sent immediately on an event or is it sent through a batch job
- Description : detailed explanation of alert
Use the dropdown to view the alert text. 

Click on "Customize" button to open the customization popup.

3. Alert customization tab

For some alerts you can select the recipients by selecting the roles which will get this alert. Refer to the images below for more details. You can add an email to the table given at the bottom as shown below. Any email which is added in this table can be then added to the customization table and alerts will start going to this email. If you deactivate the email then alerts will stop going. You can also delete the added email if you want.

Alerts which are for information can be sent to more than one role through this feature. To add a new role as a recipient of the alert click on the box and a drop down with the list of roles who can get the alert is visible. You can select the value from the drop down and click on Submit.

4. Deactivate alerts for an employee

Select the employee record/records for which you want to deactivate alert and click on "Deactivate Alerts" button on top left. Status of the employee will change to Alerts Deactivated. The following changes will happen -
- employee will not get any email, dashboard alert or mobile app notification
- employee will not be able to see Alert widget on home page
- email status will change to "Email notifications disabled"
- on Preferences page > Alerts tab employee will see "Stop all email notifications from EazeWork" parameter selected and will not be able to deselect it

Please note that employees who have any role besides the "User" role will not come on this tab. Deactivating alerts option is available only for those employees who do not have any role besides the base role.

5. Weekly / Monthly reminder alert

In setup Administrator can configure a reminder alert which will come once a week or once a month listing all pending approvals / activities to be done by the employee. Refer article for more details.

If both the Dashboard and Email alerts are deactivated on Manage Alerts page then the corresponding reminder alert will not come.

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