General setup

General setup

Menu Path: Setup > Common Setup > General Setup
Accessible to: Application Administrator

This is the first page of setup where general parameters are configured. This page has multiple tabs which are explained below.

1. Localization

The following activities can be done on this tab -
  1. Selecting mobile app theme - you can select from any of the ten available themes. The selected theme will be visible on the mobile app after employee logs out and logs in again. Each theme has a light and a dark mode which can be selected by the employee
  2. Selecting the browser them - browser them can be designed by changing the background and text color of the page header, menu bar and widgets; select the desired color by clicking on the color, you can select it using RGB or HSL or Hex, if you want to go back to system default just click on "Reset Default Colors" button.

  3. Logout redirection - you can enter the url to which you want your users to be redirected when they log out of the software
  4. Time format - you can choose between a 12 hour and a 24 hour format
  5. Display of amount : in some of the documents / letters the amount is displayed in words, for example 1,230,000 can be written as One million two hundred and thirty thousand or as Twelve lakhs an thirty thousand, this parameter is used to select the format you want to use, if there are multiple companies then this parameter is available when you create company
  6. Enable Single Sign On : if you want your employees to have the option to login using Google or Microsoft SSO then you can accordingly activate the options here
  7. For a single company setup you can upload the logo of your company here. If you have multiple companies you will see a parameter "Different Logo For All Companies" - if you select yes for it you can upload different logos for each company where you create a company. The logo file is resized to 200 (width) and 50 (height) and is used in various places as variable "{Company.Logo}". Another logo file is created with 80 x 20 size and is available as a variable "{Company.Logo Small}"

  1. Currencies which will be available to users across modules can be managed from here. The default currency is picked from the country of the registered company. In case of multiple companies the currency of the countries which are mapped to added companies are automatically added.

Default currency can be changed but when a new currency is added it cannot be made default unless it is once saved. When you change the default currency the existing conversion rates will be used to update the conversion rates for the other currencies with respect to the default currency.

Currencies added here are used in -
  1. Recruitment module – while adding current and desired salary to a candidate
  2. Expense module – Advances and Expenses can be in multiple currencies, expense policy is in a certain currency
  3. Admin module – the value of asset can be defined in the currencies defined here
  4. Project module – used to define the rates and costs of employees mapped to a project

The conversion rate entered here is used in the following scenarios
1. In Advance and Expense module
a) when claims are submitted in a currency which is different from the policy currency
b) when claims are submitted in a currency which is different from the currency of Advances which are being adjusted against it
2. In Payroll module when Advance is being recovered in payroll

Refer article on Setting up currency for more details.

2. System Parameters

  1. Reminder alerts : weekly or monthly reminder alerts can be configured - refer article for more details
  2. Select the numbering convention for Departments, Division, Employee, Location, Asset and Project Codes : if System Generated is selected then system gives the codes in a serial manner, if Manually Assigned is selected then codes can be given manually by the Administrator / Users
  3. For multiple company setup the option to setup Company Codes and whether the Employee Codes will change or not during inter-company transfer can also be setup from here

  1. Add the Bank Name and Short Code. Short code can be alphanumeric 5 digits. These are the banks in which employees have an account, short code is used for generating payment advice

Customizing Signatures -
Signatures are appended in documents, letters, Training Certificates. The signatures which have to be appended can be configured / uploaded from here.

The signatures will be scaled down to a 50 pixel height if you enable the parameter otherwise the full signature will be displayed.

Step 1 - select the role in Signed by column and also write the text which will come below the signature in Line 1 and Line 2 of the first table.

Step 2 - Upload a scanned signatures of the persons who are holding the role mapped in the first table

Signature can be uploaded for any active employee but it will be used in a document only if the employee has the relevant role. Refer to the article on Creating custom letters for more details.

3. Generated Documents

Refer to the article on Documents in EazeWork HRMS for more details.

4. Custom Emails

Refer to the article on Custom Emails for more details.

5. Access and Password Setting

Refer to the article on Access and Password Setting.

6. API Key

API keys for your company can be managed from this tab. Refer article on API documentation for more details.

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