Menu Path : HR Manager > Attendance Reg
Accessible to : HR Manager
Attendance Approvers or HR Managers can approve all attendance related requests from one page. The following requests can be approved from this page
1. Attendance updation requests - updation of missing attendance, correction
in punched times, updation of missing breaks all come under this one requet
2. Regularizing missing attendance - all absent records can be converted into
any other attendance status by HR or Approvers
3. Missing out time - if employee forgets to mark his out time then his attendance
for the day is visible on this tab
1. Attendance updation requests
updation requests sent by employees come in the first tab "Attendance Updation".
Managers or HR Manager can review, edit, approve or reject these requests.
If an employee has submitting an attendance updation request for a day for which his record is also pending for approval due to missing out time then the approver will have to first approve or reject the time modification request. On approval of attendance updation request the pending attendance record from the last tab will also be removed.
2. Pending Attendance tab
to the article on "Manual Attendance upload" for details on this tab.
3. Missing Out-Time tab
grid is visible only if the “Enable auto time out” feature is selected as "No"
in attendance setup. Here the Manager or HR Manager (as per attendance setup)
would be able to decide if the attendance has to be closed as Present or a leave
has to be applied, even if the Manager or HR Manager is not the approver for
the leave then a leave request is created and auto approved.
Similar to the previous tab records are showing with pink color if
- Payroll is in under process
- Pending OD request is there
- Pending time modification request is there
By default the system will show the shift end time in the last column as Out-Time
except in the cases where -
1. breaks are enabled and an employee has started a break and the break start
time is more than the shift end time but there is no corresponding closure of
break in such a case the recommended out time would be the break start time +
1 minute and on approval of record two activities will happen
a) Break will be closed
b) Attendance will be closed
2. If In-Time is after the shift end time then also the proposed Out-Time visible on the page will be In-Time + 1 minute
3. If an OD is approved with an End Time which is greater than the Shift end time then the pending record due to missing out time will also be auto approved with a Shift end time = OD end time
Manager has the option of changing the recommended out time and even if it is
changed to a time lesser than the suggested time the breaks are closed with a
one minute gap.