Menu Path : HR Manager > Attendance Reg > Pending Attendance tab
Accessible to : HR Manager / HR Executive as per setup
There can be cases when employees are either traveling or do not have access to systems and they are not able to mark their attendance in the application. These records are treated as missing attendance records and are made available to the manager (or to the roles selected in Setup) from next day and can be updated on behalf of the employee. This tab shows records where there are in process Leave, Back dated attendance, Work from home, Tour requests. It also includes all records of employees whose attendance marking method is "Manual".
When this tab loads records for the current month are loaded by default, you can select any previous moth in the month selector and access records for previous months.
There are two ways to update missing attendance records -
1. Bulk updation from page - records can be updated as Leave, WFH, Tour, Present. For records which are updated as Present the default shift time is updated as In / Out time
2. Bulk updation using excel - this method can be used to update the In / Out times as per your records for Present days.
Bulk Updation From Page
Steps to be followed -
1. Select the records you want to process. You can filter on an employee by name
or can filter using a date
2. Click on the dropdown next to "Select Action" button
3. Select the status you want to update these records with
4. A popup will come showing you the progress of the updation.
If there are any exceptions or errors it will be highlighted. Click on "OK" to
return back to the page after processing has been done
- Mark attendance as “Present” if the employee was working
- Mark attendance as any leave type which you want to update, if multiple records
are selected only those records where leave balance is available will be processed
- Mark as Work from home or Tour if the employee was working from home or was
on tour
Bulk Updation Using Excel
Steps to be followed
1. Click on "Bulk Upload Attendance" button as shown above. You will be navigated
to a new page
2. Click on "Download Template" button to download an excel template.
3. Fill up the Status / In Time and Out Time columns. If In / Out times are left
blank then system will update the record with default shift times. Even if In
/ Out times are updated but Status is updated as Leave / WFH or Tour then the
In / Out times will not be uploaded.
4. Click on "Upload Template". System will validate the data in excel and show the message as shown below. You will have to correct the errors on the Rejected data. You can download the excel to review the errors.
1. Even if the manager marks the attendance as any Leave the employee will have
the option to get it withdrawn through a Leave withdrawal request. If this is
done then he would be automatically marked present or absent as per previous
attendance status.
2. Even if Manager or HR Manager submits a leave from this tab for which he is
not the approver then a leave request is automatically approved. If there is
not sufficient balance or if the leave period is closed for entry then the leave
request would not be created
3. Manager or HR Manager can mark leave / WFH / Tour requests from this tab for
which they are not the initiator in setup
4. For employees who are added with a date of joining in past and attendance
method is not Auto, system creates pending attendance in this section and the
manager can update the pending records
5. Records will be shown with pink color if
- Payroll is in under process
- Pending OD request is there
These records cannot be updated
6. Only full day Present / Leave / Tour / Work From Home requests can be marked
from this tab
7. Parameters - "Attachment Compulsory", "Minimum Number Of Days Allowed Per
Leave Request", "Maximum Number Of Days Allowed Per Leave Request" and "Clubbing
Not Allowed With These Leaves" which are defined in leave setup will not apply
on this process.
8. If Leave / WFH or Tour is marked from this tab then automatically a Leave
/ WFH / Tour request will be created with remarks "Leave created as attendance
was missing" / "Work from home created - missing attendance updated" / "Tour
created - missing attendance updated".