Approving job openings

Approving job openings

Menu Path : Recruitment > Openings
Accessible to : Approvers

Approver of Job Openings can be configured in the application based on your company policy. Roles which can be selected as approver are : MD, CEO, Chief of HR, HR Manager, Account Head, Chief Finance Officer, Account Head, Hiring Manager or Recruitment Manager. There can be multiple levels of approvals.

If any approver has multi role activated then the approval request will go to the approver mapped to the Hiring Manager, for example if there are multiple HR Managers and HR Manager is one of the approver then the request will go to the HR Manager mapped to the Hiring Manager.

Click on "Review" to review the job opening before approving it. You can make changes appropriately and approve or reject the opening after providing appropriate comments. You can change all fields submitted by the initiator.

On approval the job opening will go for further approvals (if configured in setup) or will go to Recruitment Manager for releasing. Recruitment Manager should be able to Cancel the Approved Job Opening after giving a reason

You will have the access of the Openings page to view the openings you has approved. If the approver role is removed even then the openings which were approved earlier will still be visible.

Refer to article on Releasing job opening to understand the next steps.

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