Creating salary in bulk

Creating salary in bulk

Quick Access : Payroll Manager > Create Salary
Accessible to: Payroll Manager

In this article the process for creating salary in bulk for new joiners is explained. Refer to article on "Creating salary for single employee" to understand how salary for one employee can be created or modified.

1. Managing Templates

In first tab you should create salary templates which can be subsequently used for employee salary creation. A template is a collection of heads but additional heads can be added manually in employee's salary even if they are not in the template.

To create a new template you can use the Create Template button. Templates should be used to standardize salary structures based on the salary levels. For higher salaries you can add more heads and for lower salaries you can have lesser number of heads.

2. Salary Structure Creation

In this grid all employee whose salary has not been created will be listed. You can create salary structure for them.

Salary structure creation is a two step process

Step 1 - Creating Temp Structure

1. Select the template from drop-down
2. Insert the total salary for employees in Gross / CTC column
3. Click on "Create Temp Structure" button

You can also use the bulk upload option to do the same activity. If the number of employees is large.
1. Click on "Download" to download excel, the excel will have the names of all employees pending for salary creation
2. Map the template and the Gross / CTC salary figure and click on "Upload"

Step 2 - Finalizing Salary Structure

1. Select the records, click on "Download Excel"
2. Modify the default salary structure which has been created using the template in the excel. Please refer to the section on Excel Modifications in article on "Updating salary structures in bulk" for more details
3. Click on "Upload" and follow the process of bulk upload
4. If salary approval process has been activated there would a be intimation and salary would be sent for approval to the approver(s)

1. Once the structure is uploaded the status will change to Finalized. Employee would be able to see the salary structure from their login once the status is finalized
2. You can review the structures under approval on the fourth tab "Under Approval"

3. Salary Structure Deletion

Salary structure cannot be deleted if payroll has been subsequently processed, the status will change to "In Use".

If the salary structure has some claim heads and employees have submitted a claim then also the structure can be deleted but if the claim has been approved or paid then it cannot be deleted.

Salary structure in "Finalized" status can be deleted without any impact but salary structure "In Use" status cannot be deleted, any change in salary will have to be done through a revision process, refer to article on "Processing salary increments in bulk" for more details.

You can delete the temp or finalized structure using the "Delete Temp Structure" / "Delete Finalized Structure" above the table or "Delete" button on the row but if the structure has been sent for approval then it cannot be deleted

4. Bulk Salary Revision

Refer article on "Updating salary structures in bulk" for more details.

5. Under Approval tab

This tab is visible only when salary approval process has been activated. The records which are pending for approval are visible in this tab.

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