Update salary structures in bulk

Update salary structures in bulk

Quick Access : Payroll Manager > Create Salary
Accessible to : Payroll Manager

Click on Revise Salary tab. Here you will get records of all active employees whose salary has been used in payroll at least once. If for some employees payroll or Full and Final is under process then records for those employees will not come on this page. If employee's full and final is in draft status then record will come in pink color.

Steps to be followed for bulk salary structure modification -

1. Select employees by clicking on the check-box
2. Click on "Download Structure" button
3. Make modifications in the salary structure as per requirement and click on "Upload" button to upload the modified structure
4. System will check the data for errors and will show a message as shown below, use the "Download Approved Data" button to see the approved data or you can view the errors by clicking on "Download Rejected Data" button
5. Click on "Submit" button, this will update the structure changes

Excel Modifications

While updating the data in excel please keep the following points mind -

1. Special Pay and CTC heads  are highlighted in yellow color in excel, these heads will be updated automatically. If you want to include CTC heads in an employee's salary then you can enter any value, system will update the CTC head and automatically calculate the value.

2. If we update 0 against a fixed head an update then the salary head would be removed but doing so for a variable head would not remove the head from the structure. Keeping the field blank while updating the excel would remove the variable head. CTC head can be removed by updating it as 0 or by keeping it blank.

3. If a head is not part of the excel format but is available as a head in the application and you want to add directly in employee's salary structure then add a column for that head. Prefix the head name with the category, for example MTF-Transport Allowance. The categories are
- MTS : Monthly Taxable Salary
- MTF : Monthly Tax Free Salary
- MTB : Monthly Tax Free Benefits
- ATS : Annual Taxable Salary
- ATF : Annual Tax Free Salary
- PCH : Payroll Claim Head
- CTC : Cost to Company Head

4. Even if a head is based on % of gross in the salary structure during the upload you will have to manually update the value, if value is not changed then the % of gross  will not be maintained and the old value will be updated

5. If Payroll, Salary or Increment approvals or Full and Final are in process then salary revision is not allowed for employee, these records are shown in pink color

6. Deletion of revised salary is allowed if payroll has not been run after salary revision but not allowed if there is any payroll claim / reimbursement head in salary structure and some amount has been claimed by employee and voucher status has been updated as paid

7. If payroll claim / reimbursement head is part of salary structure then uploaded claim head amount cannot be less than paid amount but we can remove this head completely from the structure (by inputting 0 or leaving it blank) and also increase this head amount

8. If Special Pay is becoming negative due to any change then salary revision will not be allowed. It will prompt you as “Invalid Special Pay”

9. Even if increment letter has been emailed, deletion of salary revision would be allowed if payroll has not been run after salary revision

10. If any submitted or approved expense vouchers are there and we are removing the expense head, these vouchers will we cancelled automatically

11. If any head in employee's salary structure has flexible attribute enabled and flexible benefit window is open then salary revision will not be allowed until flexible benefit declaration process is closed or the release is cancelled for employee. For a flexible head even if there is a minimum or maximum limit in the salary structure if you upload a value lower than the minimum value or higher than the maximum value it would be taken and the limit will be accordingly revised

12. If we are adding a new head to an employee's salary structure the attributes of the head would be decided on the basis of the following rule
- if head is available in the salary template mapped to the employee then the attributes of the head would be copied from the template, for example Flexible head with minimum and maximum value ranges or Variable or % of Gross head
- if head is not available in the salary template then it would be added as a Fixed head

Refer to the article on Generating and Emailing Salary Revision letters for next steps.

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