Dashboard, Quick Access, Menu Structure and Help Center

Dashboard, Quick Access, Menu Structure and Help Center

Dashboard is the first page you are navigated to when you login. This article explains the various features available on the dashboard and explains the key navigational aids like Menu, Quick access link, Help Center link.

1. Menu bar

There are two levels of menu as shown in the above image

Level 1 - Dashboard / Work Area / HRIS / Manage Team
Level 2 - Within each module

You can navigate from any level 2 menu to another level 2 menu directly. If there is no menu below level 1 menu then a page will open on click of the menu else the sub menus will open.

2. Collapse Icon
Using this button you can toggle the menu into a visible / hidden mode.

3. Bread Crumbs
Breadcrumbs are also an useful navigational aid, using these you can go down one or two levels.

4. Preferences
On clicking the photograph another menu can be accessed.

You can reach the dashboard from this menu or by clicking on the company logo on the top left of the page.

"Preferences" page allows the user to reset password and also to manage some other settings.

"Manage Account" is accessible only to the Application Administrator.

5. Quick Access Menu
There is a shortcut on the top right which opens up a Quick Access menu from where you can directly navigate to the desired page within the application.

Visibility of sections and links on this menu is based on the role of the user and the applications / modules which have been activated. There are some links which are only available on the Quick Access menu and are not available on the left hand menu and vice versa.

6. Pending Task Notifier

Click on this icon to access the pending tasks. Refer to the article on "Tasks and Alerts" for more details.

7. Help Section
You can access the help section directly from within the software. Just click on the Help icon on the top right as shown below.

From the Help page you can
1. Navigate to the Help Center by clicking on the "Help Center" text written on the header, it is highlighted in red.
2. You can click on the suggested articles to open them in Help Center
3. You can enter a search query and search the help center. Results will be displayed

8. Widgets
Information is displayed on the dashboard through widgets. You can add or remove widgets on the dashboard as per your requirement and can customize the look of dashboard. Refer to article on "Adding or Removing Dashboard Widgets" for more details.

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